Monday, April 18, 2011

Our First Apartment

This is the first apartment Jade and I have lived in since we were married. Luckily, I really can't tell the difference minus the three flight of stairs we take. Which is fine with me. Jade and I have always been fortunate when it comes to where we live and not so lucky in another thing, CARS!!! My emergency light came on the moment we got here my car has never had any problems before. It turns out it's leaking oil. Anyway, about the Apartment it's a 1 bedroom 1 and 1/2 bath. We have a great view overlooking the pool and just a few feet away from the club house. Today it's about 75 degrees and believe me it is soooo nice for a change. We are right across from a nice gas station and right in the middle of the nicest neighborhood I have ever seen. The houses surrounding our area is huge! It's been great so far and I am so excited about the rest of the summer. Jade and I have already spotted a little turtle swimming in the little lake here at Heritage. No luck on the possums or fireflies yet.


  1. That sounds so great! Fireflies are really cool. As a kid I went out to catch fireflies in KS. I think they generally start coming out around summer time. What company is your husband selling for? We are currently looking in provo, UT for when we move there soon.

  2. Wow! I forgot you guys were moving down south...I was reading the part where you said that it was 75 degrees and I was like wow! Idaho warms up fast! Haha Your apartment is sure nice and your so lucky you have a pool! You guys are gonna have a blast over there!
